

Launched in 2009, Mujik is an app for iPhone (the first one), allowing users to create their own music by interacting with a whimsical world. Working with Lucky Frame, I designed the identity and created the graphics and animations for the app.

Mujik, by Lucky frame Mujik, by Lucky frame

Listed in the Gizmodo "Essential Apps Directory"

"At its heart, Mujik is a drum sampling machine. That description, though, doesn’t do it justice: the interface is inspired and artistic, the instrument choices, albeit limited, complement each other beautifully. The end results are phenomenal, especially if you musical tastes lean a little toward right field."

from Create Digital Music:

"... the real news about Mujik isn’t that it’s a new iPhone app, or that, after a few weeks of teasers, you can download it today on the iTunes store. The news is that it’s a musical interface with lightning bugs."

Apps Addicts: 10/10 review

"This app is very difficult to explain, but so simple and entertaining to use. It is sure to entertain anyone who tries it out for hours at a time. The basic rhythm playing behind the effects is so entrancing time will literally melt away and you will find a half hour has passed since you first touched the app and dove into it’s world of rhythm."

Here’s a bit of a montage of all the graphical exploration that went into making the app: